COVID-19 offer

Due to the many challenges facing health & care organisations as a result of COVID-19, we are offering a trial of the CliniShift software at no cost until the end of June 2020. We recognise the many difficulties these organisations are dealing with currently, in particular when it comes to filling temporary shifts & we want to help. If you’re interested, drop us a line to find out more.

How the CliniShift solution can help health and care organisations :

  1. Managers can fill non-scheduled shifts more easily and staff can pick up additional shifts on the go
  2. Reduces over reliance on agency staff
  3. Easily manage vacancy alerts
  4. Communicate critical information to staff
  5. Enables managers to fill more shifts from their own pool of staff

Ready to get started?

Schedule a walk through of our award winning platform to see how you can greatly increase the efficiency of your staffing administrators. Make a shift request with the click of a button. Oversee the availability of all your staff at any time and engage with them better then ever before.

No hidden costs. No obligation.